class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 2.4: Sequential Games ## ECON 326 · Industrial Organization · Spring 2020 ### Ryan Safner
Assistant Professor of Economics
--- # Wrapup of Oligopoly .pull-left[ Three canonical models of Oligopoly 1. .hi[Bertrand competition] - Firms **simultaneously** compete on **price** 2. .hi[Cournot competition] - Firms **simultaneously** compete on **quantity** 3. .hi[Stackelberg competition] - Firms **sequentially** compete on **quantity** ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Wrapup of Oligopoly .center[  ] - Output: `\(Q_m < Q_c < Q_s < Q_b\)` - Market price: `\(P_b < P_s < P_c < P_m\)` - Profit: `\(\pi_b=0 < \pi_s < \pi_c < \pi_m\)` Where subscript `\(m\)` is monopoly (collusion), `\(c\)` is Cournot, `\(s\)` is Stackelberg, `\(b\)` is Bertrand --- # Wrapup of Oligopoly .center[  ] --- # Wrapup of Oligopoly - See some visualizations I made: 1. [Cournot: Symmetric Market Changes]( 2. [Cournot: Asymmetric Costs]( 3. [Cournot: With n Firms]( Major implications from Cournot: 1. As `\(\uparrow\)` number of firms: `\(\downarrow q\)`, `\(\downarrow p\)`, `\(\downarrow \pi\)`, `\(\uparrow CS\)`, `\(\downarrow DWL\)` (closer to perfect competition) 2. If a firm has lower costs than others, earns greater profit. Firms will want to (equivalently): - lower their own costs - raise rivals' costs --- # Recall: Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - An industry's .hi-purple["Performance"] - Price (high, low) - Output (high, low) - Profit - Productive efficiency - Allocative efficiency (CS, DWL) - Quality, safety, etc. ] --- # Recall: Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - ... which is determined by its firms' .hi-purple["Conduct"] - Pricing behavior - Output choices - Legal tactics - Entry and exit - Collusion - Competition - Innovation ] --- # Recall: Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - ... which is determined by the industry's .hi-purple["Structure"] - Number of buyers - Number of sellers - Product differentiation - Vertical integration - Barriers to entry ] --- # Recall: Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - ... which is determined by the product's .hi-purple["Technology"] - **Consumer demand** (price and income elasticity, substitutes, location, etc) - **Good's features**: inputs, technology, durability, rivalry, excludability - **Production features**: economies of scale, economies of scope, network externalities, two-sided platforms ] --- # Recall: Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi-purple[Government policy] can affect nearly every stage - Entry regulation - Price regulation - Antitrust regulation - Taxes and subsidies ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Game Theory: Generalizations --- # Game Theory: Generalizations .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - As explore other aspects of firm behavior, we need more tools from game theory beyond a one-shot prisoners' dilemma - We've seen examples of .hi-purple[continuous strategies] in Cournot, Bertrand, & Stackelberg competition - Firms can choose a wide range of prices, outputs - One-shot prisoners' dilemma we had two .hi-purple[discrete] choices ] --- # Game Theory: Generalizations .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Seen .hi-purple[simultaneous] (prisoners' dilemma) vs. .hi-purple[sequential] game (Stackelberg) - Assumed .hi-purple[common knowledge] about the game structure. Everyone knows all players, all their potential strategies, and all of their payoffs - .hi[Perfect information] (players can observe moves of others, as in sequential game) vs. .hi[Imperfect information] players cannot observe moves of others (Prisoners' Dilemma) ] --- # Solution Concepts .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - We use .hi-purple["solution concepts"] to allow us to predict an .hi-purple[equilibrium] of a game - .hi[Nash Equilibrium] is the primarly solution concept - Note it has many variants depending on if games are sequential vs. simultaneous, perfect vs. imperfect information, etc. ] --- # Solution Concepts: Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Recall, .hi[Nash Equilibrium]: no players want to change their strategy given what everyone else is playing - All players are playing a best response to each other ] --- # Solution Concepts: Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Important about N.E.: - N.E. `\(\neq\)` the "best" pr optimal outcome - Recall the Prisoners' Dilemma! - Game may have **multiple** N.E. - Game may have **no** N.E. (in "pure" strategies) ] --- # Sequential Games: Extensive Form .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - We consider an .hi[Entry Game], a .hi-purple[sequential] game played between a potential .hi-red[Entrant] and an .hi-blue[Incumbent] - A sequence of play: .hi-red[Entrant] moves first, .hi-blue[Incumbent] moves second - Note: the magnitude of the payoffs don't really matter, only their **relative sizes** - Hence, my simple numbers ] --- # Pure Strategies .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - This game is depicted in .hi-purple["Extensive form"] or a .hi-purple[game tree] - Each player faces at least one .hi-purple["decision node"] (solid, colored by player) - .hi-red[Entrant] chooses between .red[Enter] or .red[Stay Out] at node .red[E.1] - .hi-blue[Incumbent] chooses between .blue[Accommodate] or .blue[Fight] at .blue[I.1] - Game ends at any .hi-purple["terminal node"] (hollow node), and each player earns payoffs (.red[Entrant], .blue[Incumbent]) ] --- # Pure Strategies .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - We need to talk more about .hi[strategies] - .hi[Pure strategy]: a player's *complete* plan of action for every possible contingency - i.e. what a player will choose at *every* possible decision node - think like an algorithm: > if we reach node 1, I will play X; if we reach node 2, I will play Y; if ... - .hi-purple["Mixed strategy"]: play a strategy with some probability ] --- # Solving a Sequential Game .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi-red[Entrant] has 2 pure strategies: 1. .red[Stay Out] at .red[E.1] 2. .red[Enter] at .red[E.1] - .hi-blue[Incumbent] has 2 pure strategies: 1. .blue[Accommodate] at .blue[I.1] 2. .blue[Fight] at .blue[I.1] - Note .hi-blue[Incumbent]'s strategy only comes into play if .hi-red[Entrant] plays .hi-red[Enter] and the game reaches node .hi-blue[I.1] ] --- # Solving a Sequential Game .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi[Backwards induction]: to determine the outcome of the game, start with the **last-mover** (i.e. decision nodes just before terminal nodes) - What is that mover's best choice to maximize their payoff? - i.e. we start at .blue[I.1] where .hi-blue[Incumbent] can: - .blue[Accommodate] to earn .blue[1] - .blue[Fight] to earn .blue[0] ] --- # Solving a Sequential Game .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi-blue[Incumbent] will .hi-blue[Accommodate] if game reaches .hi-blue[I.1] - Given this, what will .hi-red[Entrant] do at .hi-red[E.1]? - .red[Stay Out] to earn .red[1] - .red[Enter], knowing .hi-blue[Incumbent] will .blue[Accommodate], and so will earn .red[2] ] --- # Solving a Sequential Game .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi-red[Entrant] will .red[Enter] - Continue until we've reached the initial node (beginning) - We have the outcome: .center[ (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) ] - Some textbooks call this a .hi-purple["rollback equilibrium"] ] --- # Sequential Games: Normal vs. Extensive Form .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Any game in extensive form can also be depicted in .hi-purple["normal"] or .hi-purple["strategic" form] (a payoff matrix) - Note, if .hi-red[Entrant] plays .hi-red[Stay Out], doesn't matter what .hi-blue[Incumbent] plays, payoffs are the same ] --- # Sequential Games: Normal vs. Extensive Form .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Solve this for Nash Equilibrium... ] --- # Sequential Games: Normal vs. Extensive Form .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Solve this for Nash Equilibrium... - There's no dominant strategies! - Here's two methods that will help: **1 -** .hi-purple[Cell-by-Cell Inspection]: look in each cell, does either player want to deviate? - .hi-purple[If No: a Nash Equilibrium] - If Yes: *not* a Nash Equilibrium ] --- # Sequential Games: Normal vs. Extensive Form .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ **2 -** .hi-purple[Best-Response Analysis]: take the perspective of each player. If the *other* player plays a particular strategy, what is *your* strategy(s) that gets you the highest payoff? - Ties are allowed - .hi-purple[Any cell where *both* players are playing a best response is a Nash Equilibrium] ] --- # Nash Equilibria .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - *Two* Nash Equilibria: 1. (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) 2. (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) - But remember, we ignored the *sequential* nature of this game in normal form - Which Nash equilibrium is "sequentially rational?" - New solution concept: .hi["subgame perfect Nash equilibrium" (SPNE)] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Subgame Perfection --- # Subgames .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi-purple[Subgame]: any portion of a full game beginning at one node and continuing until all terminal nodes - i.e. any decision node starts a subgame containing all the "branches" of that decision node - Every full game is itself a subgame - How many subgames does *this* game have? ] --- # Subgames .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-left[ 1. Subgame initiated at decision node .hi-red[E.1] (i.e. the full game) 2. Subgame initiated at decision node .hi-blue[I.1] ] --- # Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-left[ - Consider each subgame as a game itself and ignore the .hi-purple["history"] of play that got a to that subgame - What is optimal to play in *that* subgame? - Consider a set of strategies that is optimal for all players in *every* subgame it reaches - That is a .hi["subgame perfect Nash equilibrium"] ] --- # Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-left[ - Recall our two Nash Equilibria from normal form: 1. (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) 2. (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) ] --- # Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-left[ - Recall our two Nash Equilibria from normal form: 1. (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) 2. (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) - Consider the second set of strategies, where .hi-blue[Incumbent] chooses to .blue[Fight] at node .blue[I.1] - What if for some reason, .hi-blue[Incumbent] is playing this strategy, and .hi-red[Entrant] unexpectedly plays .red[Enter]?? ] --- # Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-left[ - It's **not rational** for .hi-blue[Incumbent] to play .blue[Fight] if the game reaches .blue[I.1]! - Would want to switch to .blue[Accommodate]! - .hi-blue[Incumbent] playing .hi-blue[Fight] at .blue[I.1] is **not a Nash Equilibrium in this subgame!** - Thus, Nash Equilibrium (.hi-red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Fight]) is **not sequentially rational** - It *is* still a Nash equilibrium! ] --- # Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-left[ - Only (.hi-red[Enter], .hi-blue[Accommodate]) is a .hi-purple[Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium (SPNE)] - These strategy profiles for each player constitute a Nash equilibrium in every possible subgame! - Simple connection: "rollback equilibrium" is always SPNE! ] --- # SPNE and Credibility .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-left[ - Suppose before the game started, .hi-blue[Incumbent] announced to .hi-red[Entrant], "if you .red[Enter], I will .blue[Fight]!" - This **threat** is .hi-purple[not credible] because playing .blue[Fight] in response to .red[Enter] is not rational! - The strategy is not Subgame Perfect! ] --- # SPNE and Credibility .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Suppose I were to announce that if you were late once to class, I gave you an F - If you believe my threat, you would arrive on time, and I never have to carry out my threat - Sounds like a Nash equilibrium...but not subgame perfect! - If you call my bluff and come late, I don't actually want to carry out my policy! ] --- # Incentive Compatibility .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-right[ - .hi-purple["Talk is cheap"] - With perfect information, **promises** or **threats** will not change equilibrium if they are .hi-purple[not credible] - Must be "sequentially rational" or SPNE strategy - Strategy must be .hi-purple[incentive-compatible], if game reaches the relevant node, it must be in your interest to carry out your promise or threat! ] --- # Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-right[ - Threats and promises can be .hi-purple[credible] with .hi[commitment] - A .hi[commitment] changes the game in a way that forces you to carry out your promise or threat - tying your own hands makes you stronger! ] --- # Credible Commitment .center[  *Odysseus and the Sirens* by John William Waterhouse, Scene from Homer's *The Odyssey* ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[   ] ] .pull-right[ - Suppose that before .hi-red[Entrant] can decide to .red[Enter] or .red[Stay Out], .hi-blue[Incumbent] can choose to .blue[Invest] in excess capacity - i.e. builds up a "war chest" of superfluous infrastructure that costs .blue[-1] - But with it, in response to .hi-red[Entrant] playing .red[Enter], .hi-blue[Incumbent] is in a better position to .blue[Fight] a price war that kicks .hi-red[Entrant] out of the market ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Game changes, .hi-blue[Incumbent] goes first at (new) .blue[I.1], deciding whether to .blue[Invest] or .blue[Don't] - Game is the same as before from .red[E.2] onwards - This is a more complicated game, let's apply what we've learned... ] --- .center[  ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - What are the **subgames**? ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - What are the **subgames**? 1. Subgame initiated by node .blue[I.1] (game itself) 2. Subgame initiated by node .red[E.1] 3. Subgame initiated by node .red[E.2] 4. Subgame initiated by node .blue[I.2] 5. Subgame initiated by node .blue[I.3] ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - What are the **strategies** available to each player? ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - What are the **strategies** available to each player? - .hi-red[Entrant], choosing at nodes .red[(E.1, E.2)] 1. .red[(Stay Out, Stay Out)] 2. .red[(Stay Out, Enter)] 3. .red[(Enter, Stay Out)] 4. .red[(Enter, Enter)] ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - What are the **strategies** available to each player? - .hi-blue[Incumbent], choosing at nodes .blue[(I.1, I.2, I.3)] 1. .blue[(Invest, Accommodate, Accommodate)] 2. .blue[(Invest, Accommodate, Fight)] 3. .blue[(Invest, Fight, Accommodate)] 4. .blue[(Invest, Fight, Fight)] 5. .blue[(Don't, Accommodate, Accommodate)] 6. .blue[(Don't, Accommodate, Fight)] 7. .blue[(Don't, Fight, Accommodate)] 8. .blue[(Don't, Fight, Fight)] ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - We can use backwards induction to find the outcome of the game - Start with best response of .hi-blue[Incumbent] at .blue[I.2] and .blue[I.3]...then best response of .hi-blue[Entrant] at .red[E.1] and .red[E.2]...then .hi-blue[Incumbent] at .blue[I.1] ] --- .center[  ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Define the outcome in terms of their strategies: `\(\big \{\)` .blue[(Invest, Fight, Accommodate)], .red[(Stay Out, Enter)] `\(\big \}\)` - The **equilibrium path of play** is .blue[Invest], then .red[Stay Out] - Note via backward induction, we've shown the optimal response by each player at each decision node ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ `\(\big \{\)` .blue[(Invest, Fight, Accommodate)], .red[(Stay Out, Enter)] `\(\big \}\)` - SPNE: this set of strategies induces a Nash equilibrium in every subgame - Each player optimally responding to every contigency - With **commitment**, it is .hi-purple[credible] for .blue[Incumbent] to threaten to .blue[Fight] if .red[Entrant] decides to .red[Enter]! ] --- # Entry Game with Credible Commitment .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ `\(\big \{\)` .blue[(Invest, Fight, Accommodate)], .red[(Stay Out, Enter)] `\(\big \}\)` - Note we could look at the set of strategies in normal form - Using best response, there are *many* Nash Equilibria (boldened)! - But only the one we mentioned is subgame perfect! ]